Is it February already? Looks like 2013 is already flying by. Well, we are month into the new year and it's high time we start making due on those resolutions we made. I've already begun crossing resolutions off my list, and as promised here are a few of my biggest 2013 to-do's:
Lifeguard Certified: Since the sweet age of 7, I have graced the lanes at every local YMCA with my Phelps-like breaststrokes and front crawl. For 6 years every Saturday morning while my brothers secured their helmets and shoulder pads, I tucked my curls under my cap and tightened my goggles. Getting hip to the business world not long after though, I knew joining a team wasn't my I had to get my chlorine fix elsewhere. With supreme pay and tanned beef cakes in red speedos, I'd truly enjoy guarding the lives of my fellow aquaphiles.

Michelle Kwan It: Never mind the fact that its been my favorite sport since like...forever. I am ashamed to say that I am a 20 year old NATIVE New Yorker, and I have never been ice-skating. I know right? But that's quite alright because before the year ends I will go from ice virgin to Johnny Weir. I'm going to one-up the city and join a figure skating class. Hopefully they do it "Ice Princess" style and I'll star in a recital too.
Rosetta Stone: Learn a foreign language. Well, start to anyway. Not that it wouldn't help in the "job seeking dept.", but it'd make me feel more...Worldly. Sophisticated. Cool? I'd love to learn the language of love (french), but I'll begin a little closer to home. Spanish it is!
Tigris New York: It's been a long time coming (2 years to be exact). Tons of set backs and underestimating with inexperience is the cause. This summer, I will finally be launching Tigris New York. My clothing brand and first venture into the entrepreneurial world. I am so excited to see my vision come to life and celebrate the girls who have inspired it. Whether it succeeds or fails, I'm ready to see this brand and to be able to look at it and say "I did that".

Back to School: I've enjoyed my time away from the stress of essays and finals, but its high time I get back to business...and learning about it. I've learned so much this past year. The biggest lesson being that you don't need school to make progression in your career, a lot of it depends on you. I have accomplished more outside school than I did when I was there, but I want my diploma.
Fierce Fitness: Last but certainly not least, reaching my goal weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My whole life I've struggled with my weight. Not being my normal healthy size has affected my confidence greatly, as it would anyone. Insecurity is a no no, a girls best feature is her confidence and it should be worn daily. I have already begun my weight-loss journey and I am confident I will reach my goals this year.
What's on your 2013 to-do list?
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